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Angelina Khong

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! I'm Angelina Khong, and I'm 18 years old this year. I'm currently studying Diploma in Broadcasting and Filming at IACT College. In times like this, I hope everyone is doing okay and remember to take good care of yourself!

I am a beginner to cameras and I'm still learning to take better photographs. I am so glad that I've chosen this course is because I got to meet a group of friends, they are all the same batch with me. I have gained so much insights from them not just in photography, but also videography and editing. Throughout this photography class, I have also learned a lot too!

Someone once told me, that the purpose of our art was to create light to this world. Seeing nowadays, everyone use their crafts to build awareness and love, really opened my eyes and inspired me to learn and create.

"Use your imagination to create a vision and make it into a creation."



ISO. Lumix DMC-GF6. 40mm. Home.

This photo was taken for assignment 1's - ISO. I wanted it to be minimalistic and simplistic, which you can see a reflection of the spoon and sky with spaces around. The sky was in a greyish color tone and it was cloudy at that hour, so it made a pretty good match with the white color background that I've placed behind. This was really an unexpected shot that I've got, and I'm really proud with this photo's outcome.

From your first sight of this photo, which side of the spoon do you think is the real spoon?



Journalism. Lumix DMC-GF6. 22mm. Home.

This photo was taken for assignment 2's - Journalism, and this is also one of my favorite shots. This photo's subject matter is my mother. She was kneading a dough in the evening. I captured this shot by using rule of third, and the lighting was focused on her while she was making bread.

"Kneading the dough, its one of the process of making a bread.", she said. During this pandemic, my mother has been learning how to make bread. She has been baking and cooking all day, and she never gets tired of doing it. The bread she makes, never disappoints!

This moment of her making a bread was captured, and when I showed her this photo, she had a smile on her face, because she did not know that I was capturing a photo of her. The moment when she said she loved this photo, made me felt so heart warmed.



Advertising. Lumix DC-G95. 21mm. Home.

This photo was taken for assignment 3's - Advertising. A glass wine, a mirror and a torch light was used to get this shot captured. I wanted to make this photo elegant, unique and a bit of magical. I called this photo "Rev-flection" is simply because it's "Revlon and Reflection".

"A Lipstick left on a wine glass."

Imagine a woman who wears a lipstick and drinks a glass of wine. This is the concept that I was referring to, by using a wine glass covering the lipstick.

"Where there is lipstick, there is mirror.

It alone stands in the dark reflecting through the mirror."

As a girl or woman, without a mirror, can you apply lipstick that perfectly?


To every person who made it here, I genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that everyone continues to take care of yourselves and guide each other to a state of positivity and honesty throughout this pandemic.

Please do check out my portfolio if you're interested in checking out of my work!

angelina's photography portfolio
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