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Andrea Adam Zecubi

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Hi guys!

I'm Andrea Adam Zecubi and this is my blog; some context about me, I'm 19 years old, I study masscomm in IACT, and I've always been into photography. I've never had the best gear when it comes to photography, all of my photos get taken with my smartphone.

However, despite that, I still enjoy taking photos a lot on my phone, be it pictures of a day/night out with friends, or pictures of a place I'm visiting. I found taking this subject quite enjoyable. It increased my knowledge on photography which I'm quite grateful about. That being said, here are three photographs I found to be my favourites from this subject's work.


Picture 1: Self Portrait

While to some this may just look like any old selfie, there's a story behind this one to me. The jacket that I wore when I shot this actually belongs to my dad, or well, belonged to him. The first time I saw this jacket, I was 17 years old and was too small to fit into it.. I told myself that eventually I'd get big enough to fit in it. Fast forward to two months ago. I stumbled into the jacket in my wardrobe and decided to give it a try to see if I'd fit into it; surprisingly, I did. Since then, I've been wearing this jacket a lot, I love it.

Picture 2: 6-stringed thing, aka a guitar

So for this picture there won't be some long backstory besides the fact that this is my guitar which I've owned for 10 years at this point. What I like about this picture is the colours involved in it personally, we have the contrast of the grey, almost sterile looking room and the brown/earthy tones of the chair's arm along with the guitar's body and head. Not exactly a technically amazing shot but I like the way it looks.

Picture 3: Advertisement shot

Alright, I've saved what i felt was the best for last. This was taken for an assignment in this subject where we had to make our own ads. A friend of mine ( the person in the shot ) agreed to be shot for this assignment so I went over to their place looking for things to shoot with. Found this necklace and ended up basing the assignment around it.


Thanks for reading my blog! Attached under here is the PDF to my portfolio, which is a compilation of all the assignments I did for this subject, feel free to check it out. And with that, goodbye and be sure to take care of yourselves.

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